Love Never Fails

Love Never Fails

Friday, February 7, 2014

Life Gets In The Way...

Sometimes, especially as a newlywed, life is just going too fast for you to slow down and do the less important things in life. Life has been going by quickly for me, so I seem to have forgotten about the blogging world for a while. Let's just say that I'm glad to be back, even though no one is reading this.

I'm almost three and a half months into my marriage and it still feels surreal. I can't decide if the time is going by quickly or trudging along because it seems like much longer by now. We seem to be really comfortable in our relationship where we are. A few people, nay, most people, told us that we should move in together before marriage to test compatibility. Not only did we not move in together before, but the apartment we got was the first home away from parents for both of us. We dove into the real world together. I don't think it's just luck that we are working out fine living together, though. I think if you are really in love, it will just fall into place. I'm glad we didn't live together beforehand because now we are doing all of these real world experiences for the first time as husband and wife. I like it.

While life is in the fast lane for me, with adjusting to all the changes and finding ways to pay the bills every month, sometimes I forget the little things. Maybe it's not just seeing the little things that I forget, but doing them too. A phrase that a lot of people forget to use as often as they should, myself included, is, "I appreciate you." No matter how fast life is going, always slow down to tell your counterpart that everything they do for you helps you get up in the morning.

I'm sorry for perhaps rambling a bit in this post, but I guess that's bound to happen when you wake up at 4 am to see your husband off to work...

And for now, Auf Wiedersehen